Monday Night Fun League

  • 21 Oct 2024
  • 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM
  • MSC Indoor Range

Monday Night Fun League


Members Shoot free.

Non-Members, $10.00 per gun.

We start to set up at approximately 3pm with the first group of shooters starting to shoot at approximately 3:30- 4 p.m. range. We shoot in squads of eight shooters.  Additional squads are created in the order of arrival and sign up for the night, final squad of the night might have addition shooters if not enough to form another squad. If you wish to shoot a second round/gun, you must wait until your first round/gun is complete before you sign up for second round/gun. All first first round/gun shooters must shoot before any second round shooters.

Some simple policies and changes. The most important is, the MSC Range rules apply first and always, then we apply the basic USPSA rules to the game. This being a non stanchioned USPSA event, it allows us to make a few changes. Primary is allowing shooters to use Rimfire hand gun and long guns. this is especially good for shooters new to this sport to experience the sport before investing money into shooting belts, competition holster and mag pouches, etc.

  1. Rim-Fire guns will be allowed.
  2. We will allow for limited number of times Center Fire handguns without a holster.
  3. In both instances, you MUST have a gun bag or pouch to contain the weapon until you are on the firing line and under control of the RO. You will also need a way to carry extra magazines for reloads, mag pouch/s are preferred, but pocket carry is acceptable. as long as the magazines are easily accessible, you must be able to retrieve the mags without taking attention off of controlling your gun.

Round count is approximately 72 rounds, 3 strings of 24 rounds, plus any make up shoots you want to take for misses and no shoot targets. You need at a minimum enough magazines for the string of 24 rounds. Magazine reloads can be completed between strings, the other shooters will gladly assist in reloading mags if you wish.

This is a cold range, you cannot handle the firearm unless you are either at the safety table or under control of the RO.

When in the range; 

Handguns MUST remain in gun bag or holster, cannot remove from bag or holster, until instructed by RO to make ready, no exceptions.

PCC,'s, you can remove it from your carry case upon arrival in range, but MUST be flagged and stored on the rifle rack provided, until you are called to the firing firing line. Must remain flagged and pointed in safe direction until instructed by RO to make ready. no exceptions.

If you don't wish to shoot you are welcome to come out to the range and just observe. This is a great opportunity to see if you have an interest in participating. All you will need to observe, is Eye and Hearing protection, and follow any instructions given for safety.

Complete schedule, every Monday starting October 7, 2024 and last shoot April 14, 2025.

We look forward to seeing you at the range.

For additional information, contact;

Don McMurray


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