Miamisburg Sportsmen's Club |
Range Specific Rules for all ranges and what AMMO you can shoot on each range
For questions, clarification, concerns, or to report unsafe use of any of the ranges. Email
High Impact Rounds
The Club created the term “high impact round” to better ensure the safety of our members and their guests as well as reduce damage when using the indoor range and steel range.
A high impact round is defined by the Club to be a pistol cartridge which is
This definition allows a member to
The following are examples of those cartridges that when loaded to normal capacity, are considered a high impact round however members must realize that the list does not and cannot cover all cartridges which should be considered “high impact”. Therefore, it is the responsibility of each member to make his/her own determination if a particular cartridge could cause a ricochet when used on steel or if it could damage the Club’s equipment or facilities. Golden rule … if you think it could then don’t use it.
NOTE: The firing line is defined as the position of the most forward shooter.
NOTE: MSC Leagues may use their league target frames for practice and matches.
1. Allowed:
a. Handguns not using high impact rounds.
b. 22 short, long, or long rifle rimfire rifles.
c. Pistol caliber carbine firearms with barrels lengths of 18” or less using 9mm, 40S&W, or 45ACP cartridges.
d. Temporarily attaching targets to the Club provided snow fence or target frame with the bottom of the target no less than one foot and no more than six feet from the floor.
2. Not allowed:
a. The use of a broom or mop to remove spent shells from the range floor. NOTE: Using the MSC provided squeegees is suggested.
b. Shooting without the use of the blowers and fans.
c. Shooting without closing both entry doors before firing.
d. Shooting closer than 15 feet from the backstop.
e. Smoking, eating or drinking. Outdoor
1. Except for the Action Pistol Range, all targets are to be hung or taped to the club provided frames.
2. NO targets shall be laid directly on ground or place on backstop.
3. Make sure that you are always inside the range while shooting between the side berms.
4. The firing line is defined as the position of the most forward shooter.
West Range Rules
Note: This range is designed for primarily rimfire.
1. Permissible firearms:
a. Rimfire rifles and handguns
b. Handguns with more than a 5-inch or longer barrel
c. Shotguns shooting shot only – NO SLUGS
d. Carbines are allowed with 18-inch or less barrel in 9 mm, 40 S&W, or 45 ACP
e. Air rifles and pellet guns
2. If you want to use a handgun other than above, you must shoot within 25 yards of the target frame.
a. Anyone wanting to shoot from the shelter must be given priority
3. The firing line shall be no further back than the front edge of the shelter.
Magee 1, Magee 2, Magee 3 Range Rules
1. Permissible firearms:
a. Centerfire and rimfire rifles and handguns
b. Black power rifles
c. Shotguns shooting shot only – NO SLUGS
d. Air rifles and pellet guns
2. Archery is permitted
a. Shooter may only use commercially produced archery target.
Rules North Handgun Range and Center Handgun Range Specific Rules
1. The firing line can be placed anywhere between the target boards and the front edge of the shelter.
2. Permissible firearms:
a. Handguns chambered for non-rifle, centerfire and rimfire cartridges, including magnums, using no larger than a 45-caliber round.
b. Carbines with 18-inch or less barrel using 22 LR, 9 mm, 40 S&W, or 45 ACP cartridges.
c. Air rifles and pellet guns
d. Shotguns shooting shot only – NO SLUGS
Plate Rack Range Specific Rules
1. Permissible firearms:
a. Handguns not using high impact rounds.
b. 22 short, long, or long rifle rimfire rifles.
c. Firing only into the Club provided steel plates and only into the plates directly in front of your shooting position.
2. Not allowed:
a. Firing within ten yards of the plate racks.
b. The use of a target frame other than the Club provided frames.
3. The firing line shall be no further back than the front edge of the shelter.
Action Pistol Range Specific Rules
The 3-sided, Action Pistol Range provides considerably more shooting flexibility and target placement variation than the other pistol ranges. To make the following more understandable and for the purposes of this directive, the north backstop is defined as the down-range backstop. The east and west backstops are defined as the side backstops.
1. Restrictions:
a. Barriers must be in place when entering the range and removed when exiting the range.i. Target stand bases can be made of metal, but the supporting side braces and targets must be made of a material which allow a round to pass relatively freely though the material without a chance of ricochet.
ii.Target boards/targets must be no higher than six feet and no lower than three feet measured from the base of the backstop being used.
iii. Target stands must be placed no farther than three feet from the face of the backstop being used.
c. Firing must be directed only into target boards/targets.
d When two or more people are firing simultaneously, only the down-range backstop (i.e. north backstop) can be used. The firing line is defined as the position of the most forward shooter.
e. Action style shooting is allowed only when one person is firing. All previous rules apply with the addition of the following:
i. A preplanned course of fire has been communicated to all participants on the range.
ii. Observers must be behind an imaginary line running though the shooters shoulders.
f. Safety Training for this Pistol range is mandatory.
2. Allowed:
a. Handguns chambered for non-rifle, centerfire and rimfire cartridges, including magnums, using no larger than a .450 caliber round.
b. 22 short, long, or long rifle rimfire rifles.
c. Pistol caliber carbines with barrels lengths of 18” or less using 9mm, 40S&W, or 45ACP cartridges.
3. Not Allowed:
a. Use by complementary or probation members unless participating in an approved event.
b. Use by Club members who have not had the required Action Pistol Range training.
50 Yard Range Specific Rules
1. Permissible firearms:
a. Centerfire and rimfire rifles and handguns
b. Handguns with more than a 5-inch or longer barrel
c. Black powder rifles
d. Shotguns using slugs
e. Air rifles and pellet guns
2. If you want to use a handgun other than above, you must shoot within 25 yards of the target frame. a. Anyone wanting to shoot from the shelter must be given priority 3. The firing line shall be no further back than the front edge of the 50-yard shelter.
100 Yard Range Specific Rules
1. Permissible firearms:
a. Centerfire and rimfire rifles and handguns
b. Handguns with more than a 5-inch or longer barrel
c. Black powder rifles
d. Shotguns with rifled barrels using slugs
e. Air rifles and pellet guns
2. If you want to use a handgun other than above, you must shoot within 25 yards of the target frame. a. Anyone wanting to shoot from the shelter must be given priority. 3. The firing line shall be no further back than the front edge of the 100-yard shelter.
Shotgun Bay Specific Rules
1. Shotguns shooting shot loads ONLY.
2. For the Club Provided Steel Targets:
a. Only lead Bird Shot is ALLOWED.
b. Buckshot loads are NOT ALLOWED.
3. For the Club Provided Target Frames:
a. Target backs must be made of a material which allows a round to pass relatively freely through the material without a chance of ricochet.
b. Using all shot loads area allowed (Steel, Lead, Bismuth, Tungsten, and Buckshot).
4. Users are required to pick up their spent shells.
Not allowed:
1. Firing within ten (10) yards of the steel targets.
2. Shotgun slugs.
3. The use of a target frame other than the Club provided frames.
4. Shooting from the shelter. 5. Handguns and Rifles of any kind.
Trap Range Rules (Club Sponsored Events Only Allowed)
When Trap Range is in use:
1. Allowed:
a. 12 Gauge shotguns and smaller.
b. 7 ½ shot or smaller.
c. Clay targets from the Club provided automatic trap houses.
2. Not allowed:
a. Any kind of hand gun (i.e., pistol, revolver) or rifle.
b. Larger than 12 Gauge shotguns.
c. Magnum loads.
d. Shooting when the West Range or any Pistol Range is in use.
e. Shooting without the chain across the road to the West Range and pistol ranges.
f. Hand throwers or foot traps.