WE ARE NOT A PUBLIC CLUB Interested in becoming a member of our club? We STRONGLY recommend you read all of this page WE CAN NOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH - IF YOUR APPLICATION IS MISSING DATA, WE WILL SIMPLY DELETE IT!
You can only become an MSC member by submitting an online application via the process found on this website and by following the instructions and guidance found in this information.
We require you to have a valid email address, and we DO NOT mail annual invoices, they all come over e-mail.
Incomplete applications or applications found to be incorrect will be rejected without notification. This means if you skip something on the application, we simply toss your application.
Applicants must have either a current Ohio CCW card, Current or Retired LEO, or Active Military, all with proper ID, or pass a background check.
By submitting the application, the applicant states that s/he understands and accepts that the MSC can and will submit the applicant’s name to a third party vendor for a background check if necessary and that any information subsequently found will be submitted to the membership when the vote for applicant’s membership is taken.
Applicants are required to find and to identify two, current MSC members in good standing and not probationary members as sponsors, who agree to be questioned about the information submitted on the form and the applicant’s character.
Applicants must provide and maintain a working email address and continue to maintain a working email address throughout their membership with the MSC.
Once the application is reviewed and the two sponsors contacted, the applicant’s request for membership will be either approved or disapproved by majority vote of the members present at the next regular membership meeting. When a waiting list is NOT in effect, those approved for membership will be contacted by email and given further instructions. When a waiting list Is in effect, those approved for membership will be placed on the waiting list and only contacted by email and given further instructions when a membership slot becomes available.
Applicants DO NOT need to attend the meeting when. votes are taken.
Once you are voted on and an active member, you must complete two (2) work parties during your first year.